About the Auten's
Hey ya'll!
I’m Jill Auten. I teach history to high school students and I am a high-energy, creative person, immersing myself in my activity de jour (my interest at the moment) which means I do all sorts of things to bring my history lessons to life for my kids.
My husband, Adam, is a super hero. He powers the world (ok, he powers Oklahoma) with his work in the energy industry and is also a soldier in the Army National Guard. When we first met, Hubby was serving in Afghanistan and I was in Arkansas. Our first interest was talking (because -- hey – we could only face time) about the world-- the sites, the sounds, the smells, the food, and the people.
It’s fair to say that since 2010 we’ve been preoccupied with exploring the world. I like the artifacts, the architecture and looking to connect to the famous figures who have stood in the same places and experienced the same things. The hubby is a grub hunter (though he hasn’t eaten grubs yet – as far I know!) who likes to find the local food spots and hang out with the local people. While traveling together we do it all!
We've visited 5 of the 7 continents together checking off 20+ countries. Planes, trains, and automobiles. Buses, rental cars, and scooters. Tuk-tuks, elephants, and camels. We’ve climbed up mountains and jumped out of planes (in the air!). We’ve used GPR to locate mummies in Peru. We’ve walked a section of the Great Wall. We’ve explored the Great Pyramids and laid in a hole where a sarcophagus was found that held an Egyptian mummy! That last one was super creepy.
We love the world’s religions and have paused in a number of places of worship: synagogues, mosques, temples and churches. We have visited the castles where royalty lived and we have walked the silent, somber grounds of concentration camps.
We’ve eaten guinea pig, pigs brain, and alpaca. The hubby’s palate is more adventurous than mine as he’s had many other treats including scorpion. And you’ve got to wash down the grub with something. We’ve enjoyed sugarcane juice in Cairo, Pisco Sours and Chicha Morado in Bujama, and Flaming Coffee (they literally blow-torch it in front of you!) in Lviv!
Our travels have made us better, and they make me a better teacher as I can provide students a first-hand experience of the events we study as well as help them understand the world in which we live.
When experiences are good, we want more of them and when experiences aren't so good we still thirst for more. And that’s how traveling is for us. Our list is growing longer! We love sharing our adventures with others and we love it when others share adventures with us. Come along on the journeys with us! We’re happy to share tips and phone numbers and “must see” ideas. We’re also happy to let you sit back in your recliner (or desk chair) and read along.
I’m Jill Auten. I teach history to high school students and I am a high-energy, creative person, immersing myself in my activity de jour (my interest at the moment) which means I do all sorts of things to bring my history lessons to life for my kids.
My husband, Adam, is a super hero. He powers the world (ok, he powers Oklahoma) with his work in the energy industry and is also a soldier in the Army National Guard. When we first met, Hubby was serving in Afghanistan and I was in Arkansas. Our first interest was talking (because -- hey – we could only face time) about the world-- the sites, the sounds, the smells, the food, and the people.
It’s fair to say that since 2010 we’ve been preoccupied with exploring the world. I like the artifacts, the architecture and looking to connect to the famous figures who have stood in the same places and experienced the same things. The hubby is a grub hunter (though he hasn’t eaten grubs yet – as far I know!) who likes to find the local food spots and hang out with the local people. While traveling together we do it all!
We've visited 5 of the 7 continents together checking off 20+ countries. Planes, trains, and automobiles. Buses, rental cars, and scooters. Tuk-tuks, elephants, and camels. We’ve climbed up mountains and jumped out of planes (in the air!). We’ve used GPR to locate mummies in Peru. We’ve walked a section of the Great Wall. We’ve explored the Great Pyramids and laid in a hole where a sarcophagus was found that held an Egyptian mummy! That last one was super creepy.
We love the world’s religions and have paused in a number of places of worship: synagogues, mosques, temples and churches. We have visited the castles where royalty lived and we have walked the silent, somber grounds of concentration camps.
We’ve eaten guinea pig, pigs brain, and alpaca. The hubby’s palate is more adventurous than mine as he’s had many other treats including scorpion. And you’ve got to wash down the grub with something. We’ve enjoyed sugarcane juice in Cairo, Pisco Sours and Chicha Morado in Bujama, and Flaming Coffee (they literally blow-torch it in front of you!) in Lviv!
Our travels have made us better, and they make me a better teacher as I can provide students a first-hand experience of the events we study as well as help them understand the world in which we live.
When experiences are good, we want more of them and when experiences aren't so good we still thirst for more. And that’s how traveling is for us. Our list is growing longer! We love sharing our adventures with others and we love it when others share adventures with us. Come along on the journeys with us! We’re happy to share tips and phone numbers and “must see” ideas. We’re also happy to let you sit back in your recliner (or desk chair) and read along.